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About our organization

Founded in 2006, the objective of the Alexander Hamilton Society of Kentucky (AHHSKY) is to promote a better understanding of the Founding Fathers’ political philosophy, the genesis of the Constitution, and the resulting institutions required for effective government.  Alexander Hamilton, author of 51 of the 85 essays composing The Federalist, created economic, constitutional and foreign policy as well as a political template for our nation then and now.

Beginning September of 2019, meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month at 10:30am at the Masonic Home 3701 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky 40207 (and via Zoom conference).  AHHSKY, an all-volunteer, apolitical educational group, offers to its members monthly presentations relating to the Founding Fathers’ historical time period. 

Annually, AHHSKY presents, with Bellarmine University's Department of Political Science, a symposium on the Constitution. Past symposiums have covered judicial review, original meaning and the First Amendment.

All are welcome to attend our meetings and lectures.

"When America ceases to remember his greatness, America will no longer be great."


Calvin Coolidge, 1922

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